
*** EVERY TIME ***
Without Losing Your Words or Your Audience ... 

... even if you get nervous, feel like an imposter or struggle to distil your message succinctly


The Impactful Presenters Program

Australia's Leading Public Speaking Program For Leaders, Business Owners and Public Servants

Created in 2020 specifically to help leaders, business owners and public servants gain the most valuable skill in their professional toolkit - Speaking with Influence and Impact.

A 10-week online program where you'll learn how to speak with CONFIDENCE, AUTHORITY and IMPACT.

What Graduates Say ...

We Now Have The Tools To Carefully Curate Our Message

"I just wanted to personally thank you, from the whole team,  for all your guidance throughout the Impactful Presenters Program.

 We see the positive impact everyday, allowing us to quickly build rapport and influence positive social change.   We now have the tools to carefully curate our message by narrowing it down to the top three things we want them to take away from the discussion.  

From fireside chats to keynotes at large conferences, this has allowed us to bring our whole audience with us on the placemaking journey.

Brooke Williams, Director, Fourfold Studios

Speaking with Impact is a SKILL, not a talent

(which means it is LEARNED, not something you're 'born with', or not)

and it's easily THE MOST valuable skill you can have in your professional toolkit

We want a way to naturally, authentically and easily engage our audience, so we can be heard in meetings, increase our influence, gain new clients and grow our businesses.

We want to powerfully contribute to conversations that matter.  

The Impactful Presenters Program gives you the frameworks to naturally shape your message, authentically find your voice and impactfully influence your audience. 

The Impactful Presenters Program Is For You If You ... 

  • get nervous and choke on key messages
  • experience mind blanks or lose your words (even though you are smart and articulate normally)
  • ramble, waffle and say all the things you're thinking about the topic
  • find yourself talking faster than a speeding bullet, despite perfect pacing when you practiced

We weren't taught to present, impactfully, at school

In fact, the vast majority of people, regardless of profession, age or experience, really struggle with speaking confidently or coherently, let alone impactfully.

Natural extroverts struggle, despite being the 'life of the party’, as they 'think out loud' and lose their audience in verbal stream of consciousness.

Passionate experts have a hard time distilling a message that connects, so they data-dump all their passion and leave their listeners overwhelmed.

And even the most experienced of professionals often feel like they are faking it, hoping no-one notices how nervous they are, or rely on impersonal speeches written by somebody else.

"Complete Game-Changer"

"The Earn The Right has been a complete Game-Changer for me.

I use it ALL THE TIME to explain what I do and how I can add value" 

Brandon McIntosh, Innovation Ecosystem Coordinator
City of Newcastle

"Phwoar! Best Webinar I've Ever Run"

"Phwoar! That was the best webinar I've ever run.

It was 90 minutes long ... And 126 of the 128 participants were still online AND ENGAGED at the very end.

I've never been short for words, but this program has REALLY improved my delivery and impact."

Jacqueline Campbell, Founder
Arca Morai

Speaking is a SKILL that YOU can LEARN

Imagine your world where you ...

  • Speak calmly and confidently (instead of being nervous);
  • Know exactly what to say and how to say it so that you land your key message (rather than forgetting everything you know when under pressure);
  • Craft your message so you  make your point with grace and impact (instead of verbally dumping everything);
  • Translate your years of experience and knowledge into powerful stories and presentations that drive change;
  • Speak with CONFIDENCE, CLARITY, AUTHORITY and AUTHENTICITY every.single.time you speak. Meetings. Interviews. On stage. In video. EVERWHERE.

"Now, All My Dreams For This Business, They're Real"

"As I was finishing the Impactful Presenters Program I was invited to deliver the closing keynote at my industry conference.
Because of my new-found confidence, I said yes.

And I owned my message and claimed my stage.

The program really helped me overcome that whole ‘who am I to be doing this?’ And now, all my dreams for this business, they’re real. I can achieve them

Emma Rhoades, Founder, Her Leadership Journey

"I Have So Much More Confidence"

"I have so much more confidence even with a very short Earn-The-Right. 

I have been amazed at the difference it makes to the conversation flow.

This course is brilliant!

Peta Chapman, Land Access Coordinator, Telstra

Enrolments Now Open

Impactful Presenters Program

A 10-week online program where you'll learn how to speak with CONFIDENCE, AUTHORITY and IMPACT, no matter how nervous, scared or terrible you think you are at public speaking.

Starts Friday 17 February

"Now I'm Being Invited to Speak on Industry Panels &
am Recognised as an Industry Leader"

"I am much calmer and clearer I am when I talk now.

I have slowed down my thoughts and speed of talking and people are able to follow my conversation.

Before I use to bombard them with so much info and talk so quickly my business partner would have to step in and explain.

Now I’m being invited to speak on industry panels and am recognised as an industry leader."

Julia Van Der Sommen
Director at Sample Room & Pattern Room

The Impactful Presenters Program is perfect for you if you're ...

a Business Owner who ...

a Public Servant who ...

  • needs to effectively lead your staff through frequent, short and under-time-pressure conversations 
  • wants to sell products and services to your customers but struggle to articulate what makes YOU different 
  • wants to influence your clients but have a hard time doing so
  • feels like you're missing out on opportunities because you're not taking your colleagues 'on the journey' 
  • can speak well enough when you prepare but struggle to make your point in meetings or under pressure 
  • needs to influence and inform substantive decisions with quick and snappy briefings 

a Leader who ... 

an Aspiring Thought Leader who ...

  • has done a bit of public speaking but you don't have a 'high impact formula' ... people give you positive feedback, but you're not sure they remember what you said 
  • is often invited to speak on panels and at conferences, but you just don't feel confident enough to accept
  • needs to be more effective in virtual meetings but struggles to engage without the real face-to-face connection 
  • needs to speak to large conference audiences but doesn't know how to be 'entertaining' enough in that environment (how do you have a conversation with hundreds of people at once?) 

"It's Simpler Than I Thought"

"I do a lot of speaking but I used to dread all of it. I found myself coming up with good ideas right at the very last minute, so it always felt like a scramble.

I've discovered how strategy and structure can support my message and it is simpler than I thought.

Now I use the frameworks, the Earn-The-Right, the Structure, and it's incredibly powerful. This course has helped me back myself more.

Dr Katy Abbott,
Composer, Educator and The Artists' Mentor

By The End Of The Program, You'll Have Mastered:

Structuring Your Presentations ...

so you can focus on what you want to say instead of 'how' you should be saying it, and prepare easily

Your Earn-the-Right Intro ...

that establishes your authority and credibility so your audience WANTS to hear what you have to say (and helps overcome your Imposter Syndrome)

Speaking  Spontaneously ...

so you can wow your audience and land your key messages with just a few minutes of prep and just a couple of 'napkin notes'

Deftly Responding To Questions ...

so you don't have to fear those 'dreaded questions' anymore and artfully use your audiences contribution to build on your key messages

Facilitating Discussions ...

so you can weave magic from conversations where everyone is not only heard but ideas build on each other for deeper understanding and breakthroughs

Being Authentic When You Speak ...

and not some weird professional-robot persona you take on when you speak 'formally'

The Confidence To Speak Up And To Speak With Impact ...

so you can lead your team, influence decisions, grow your business, change hearts, minds and behaviours and make a positive impact in your community

"I'm Much More Confident"

"I'm so much better now connecting when speaking to a room of people and not being awkward.

I'm also much more confident approaching people in a business sense with an 'ASK', and showing them why their participation in my program is mutually beneficial." 

Toni Rasso, CEO, A Better Bid

"I've Always Wanted To Do a TED Talk. Now I Can!"

"The Impactful Presenters Program has opened many doors.

I'm now REALLY comfortable with being the Influential Auditor ... it's about being out there and being the face of my business ... putting everything in an articulate manner that they understand I know what I'm doing.  

I've always wanted to do a TED Talk, to be honest, and I used to say that to myself and panic.

Now I'm feeling, I can do that, and I will rock." 

Judy Brown, Executive Director, Brown Auditing Services

 Ready to develop THE MOST valuable professional skill you can have in today's world of information and influence?

Enrol NOW to Get Started and Get $8,085 in Bonuses 

"Completely Worth The Investment"

"I just wanted to say, thank you.

 The program has absolutely lifted my public speaking game in many, many ways.  

It was completely worth the investment and I shall continue to refer back to it as I seek to grow what I can achieve in my particular circle of influence."

Matthew Hodge, Director, Sales and Marketing
QLD Symphony Orchestra

What's Inside The Impactful Presenters Program?

The Game-Changing Earn-The-Right Method To Establish Credibility without Arrogance

You'll learn my powerful Earn-The-Right framework to establish your knowledge and authority with such comfort and authenticity you'll use it EVERY DAY in all professional contexts.

The Earn-The-Right is a game-changer for so many participants as it powerfully builds confidence and overcomes imposter syndrome.

Value: $2,750

The Works-Every-Time Framework To Structure Your Presentations

You'll learn the 4-part Speaking With Confidence framework to structure your presentations, meetings, speeches and professional conversations. It's a plug 'n' play template where you add the information about your audience, your outcomes and key messages ... and voila, you have the blueprint for an impactful presentation.

Just this framework alone will transform how you speak, and that's in the very first week!

Value: $1,900

My Unique 'Sticky Note' Method So You Can Ditch The Script

Order your thoughts and structure your messages so you can talk from just a handful of 'prompter notes' so you can stay connected to your audience and responsive to their questions and input. You'll never again need to speak from a script, teleprompter or slide-deck.

Just this one technique has been a game-changer for students.

Value: $2,500

The Napkin Note Method

How to speak spontaneously, effectively and confidently, and STILL deliver impact (even if you only had moments to prepare).

Even though this was created for networking events where you only have a 'napkin' to write on, this method is what I use EVERY DAY in impromptu professional conversations. 

Value: $1,750

5 LIVE Confidence Coaching Calls

The LIVE Group Coaching Calls give you the opportunity to practice speaking and get INSTANT and SUPPORTIVE feedback that takes your speaking to the next level.

The Group format means you learn by osmosis from the feedback given to the other participants as well as your own.  Many participants use these calls to practice, get feedback and finesse an upcoming presentation. SO valuable!

Value: $2,500

That's $11,400 in Value!

But You Won't Pay That
When You Join Today

For a Limited Time You Can Join the
10-week Impactful Presenters Program For ...

 Just 1 Payment of $495 Today
(and 2 additional payments of $495)    

Or SAVE $190 When You Pay In Full






PLUS Get More Than $8,085 In Free Bonuses!

When You Join The 10-Week Impactful Presenters Program TODAY

Ask Me Anything Calls

Sometimes confidence is about how you speak .... sometimes it's about a whole host of other things.

In these 3 Bonus Ask Me Anything Calls you can pick my brain about ANYTHING to do with personal and professional confidence.

Literally, ANYTHING.

Value: $2,250


You know how some people weave their stories of expertise throughout their conversations ... they simply oooze their credibility without bragging?  

They've mastered what I call their 'Earn-The-Right' ... how we craft and use stories to illustrate our professional biography.  

By the end of this mini-course, you'll do that too!

Value: $1,950

Lifetime Access

Speaking with confidence, authority and impact is a skill set that you keep working on and keep improving over time.

Also, 'life happens' and there'll be modules you don't get to dive into as deeply as others and you'll want to return to them. So, I'm offering lifetime access so you can get started NOW (and not wait for that 'perfect' time).

Value: $3,885

That's $19,485 in VALUE

For Just 1 Payment of $495 Today
(and 2 additional payments of $495)

Or SAVE $190 When You Pay In Full






"Improving Our Individual Style"

"Cat truly gets that we're all at different levels and come from different backgrounds, so the questions she asks of each of us and the hands-on coaching provided allows us to learn and improve in our own way.

We're not going to finish as a copy of Cat, instead, she's encouraging us to improve our individual style, backed up by proven techniques to deliver with impact."

Alycia Doherty, Senior Advisor, Risk 2 Solution Group

How The Program Is Delivered

When you enrol you get INSTANT access to the video modules.
You’ll also get access to the program calendar, where you’ll see the FIVE Confidence Coaching Calls so you can schedule them.
There’s optional homework tasks and a Facebook Group to share your homework, ask questions, and get video coaching.

9 Practical Modules

1. Foundations
2. Finessing Your Presentations
3. Virtual and Small Audiences
4. Spontaneous Presentations
5. Moderating Discussions
6. Challenging Audiences
7. Engaging Big Audiences
8. Facilitation Foundations
9. Technique Toolbox

Engaging Video Lessons

More than 35 bite-size professionally-produced videos to  teach you the techniques and frameworks AND SHOW you how the techniques work.

All video lessons available as podcast tracks too (so you can learn while doing other things).

Group Coaching Calls

  • get one-on-one coaching 
  • get help in preparing for an upcoming  presentation
  • learn 'by osmosis' from the feedback others receive
  • ask all your questions about the course content

Practical Practice Tasks

Embody your new skills with (optional) homework tasks that relate to your work. Submit videos of your homework presentations for feedback, coaching and personalised support.

Learning Community

Hang out with like-minded professionals, entrepreneurs and change makers who also have a message of change. Ask questions, brainstorm your work presentations, discover new techniques or just be inspired by others.

What Are The REAL Costs of
Rambling, Waffling and Speaking Nerves?

Are you being over looked for promotions because you're not as confident a speaker as your peers?

How many clients are you missing out on because your sales pitches are inconsistent and less-than-impactful?

Do you feel like you are constantly banging your head against a brick wall, feeling like you're not 'getting through' to people the value, or urgency, of your priorities?

Do you feel like you're just not quite reaching your potential, you have some much you want to contribute you just can't quite get to the 'next level'?

When you do 'the math' this can add up to
TENS of thousands of dollars each year!
(Not to mention the mental and emotional toll)

It doesn't have to be this way!

You can stop rambling, waffling and overcome your nerves
and land your message EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Join the 10-week Impactful Presenters Program TODAY!

And Get Over  $19,000 in VALUE!

For Just 1 Payment of $495 Today
(and 2 additional payments of $495)

Or SAVE $190 When You Pay In Full






14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you're on the fence, or if you're skeptical (about this program or your abilities) ... then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put the Impactful Presenters Program into action and discover that, once you know how, speaking with confidence is a skill that EVERYONE can learn.

So, dive into the program. Watch the videos, join the calls, use the frameworks in your world ... and if it's not your thing, let me know and I'll refund your money.
I'm so confident that if you implement just a fraction of the lessons inside the Impactful Presenters Program you be blown away by your ability to speak, lead, inform, influence ... and ultimately make your dent in the universe.

You quite literally have nothing to lose ... and a host of opportunities to gain.

I'm Taking You Behind The Scenes of 25 Years of Powerful Online and Offline Presentations Across Countless Industries and Some of the Toughest Audiences

I'm Cat Matson and I've been speaking, presenting and facilitating for more than 25 years. But not in a boring, rigid or even rah-rah way. In an authentic, natural, grounded and connected way. In fact the most common feedback I receive on those post-event survey forms is “I love how real and approachable Cat is”.

My speaking career started at school, on the debating team, where my favourite debating position was third speaker negative; in other words, minimum prep but maximum impact required. Then I spent 5 years working with probably the most challenging audience you can imagine; young people. And not compliant young people, but young people who were disadvantaged, dancing with the juvenile justice system and who were thought to be ‘unteachable’ and ‘un-tameable'. Turns out EVERYONE can learn and grow if they have good teachers who know how to connect with them.

But the bulk of my career has been in ‘professional circles’; business coaching, moderating panel events, delivering keynote speeches and leadership roles in the public service.

I've facilitated what we believe is the largest design thinking exercise with 450 people workshopping ideas for civic impact and on a regular basis I have to present what could otherwise be boring AF reports to Council in an interesting and engaging way to inspire action and decisions.

My ability to speak with passion, confidence, authenticity and authority, to audiences of 1 to thousands is EASILY the most powerful skill I have in my professional toolkit. And it is the 'secret’ to what others see as a career of significant leadership, impact and success.

"Cat Gives Fabulous feedback"

"Cat is clearly a very experienced presenter and there is the danger of falling into the trap of 'but I don't sound or present as Cat' ...except from the very beginning she encourages everyone to find their own voice.

Cat is warm, she is funny, she is supportive, but above all, she gives fabulous feedback.

Learning from the feedback she gives everyone is as important as the feedback you get yourself."

Lynn Jenkins, Owner and Lead Facilitator, Horsanity

But Cat, are you sure this program is for me ...

... I don't want to be a professional speaker, I just want to be more confident when I HAVE to speak at work, in meetings, in client calls?

Yes! Yes this IS For You!

This program is ABSOLUTELY for you if you ...

  • have something to say and are FRUSTRATED by your inability to say it. 
  • want to make an impact in your job, your industry, your community ... your world.  
  • are FRUSTRATED that the same old (boring) people are heard in meetings, get the promotions or get the speaking gigs because they've got charisma or the gift of the gab.  
  • currently fear or fumble when it comes to public speaking, but you REALLY need to speak better to progress your career.  

It's not about being a professional speaker.

It's about being able to bring all of yourself to whatever it is you're doing. With authenticity, authority and impact.

"I Can Find the Right Stories ... as I Need Them"

"Working out how to simplify a message and see it as a series of conversations, rather than needing to put too much up front, has been really valuable for me.

I'm a lot more confident that I can find the right stories for different contexts as I need them." 

Gayle Dallaston, Founder,  Shady Lanes Project

Professionally-produced video content, with bite-size modules to watch at your own pace, plus LIVE online group coaching calls. There's no boring, dry content ... just a quality learning environment and a lot of fun.

Ready to develop THE MOST valuable professional skill you can have in today's world of information and influence?

Join the 10-week Impactful Presenters Program TODAY!

And Get Over  $19,000 in VALUE!

   For Just 1 Payment of $495 Today
(and 2 additional payments of $495)  

Or SAVE $190 When You Pay In Full






"I Can Get More Involved in Thought Leadership"

"I can use my speaking skills now to help the rest of the team to collaborate better ... and that will make work a more enjoyable place to be.

 I can also get more involved in my industry, in a speaking capacity and in thought leadership." 

Kate Turnbull, Onboarding Manager, Poolwerx Corporation

Remember the 14-day Guarantee

Jump on in and give it a go for 14-days. If it's not your jam, let me know and you'll get your money back. No hard feelings and no issues. Easy.

The Impactful Presenters Program Takes You From Terrified To Confident In Just 10 Weeks


I get that right now you're possibly scared or doubtful that this program will work for you.

I get that right now you feel like speaking in public at all, let alone speaking confidently and impactfully in public is impossible, but it's not.

The Impactful Presenters Program provides you with all the know-how PLUS a supportive community and a safe space to practice and test your new skills so you can build your speaking confidence.

Can I promise you won't be nervous at all anymore when you speak?

No. I still get nervous before big speaking gigs.

But you won't be as nervous as you are now and you'll be able to deliver an effective, confident AND impactful presentation.

Ready to develop THE MOST valuable professional skill you can have in today's world of information and influence?

Join the 10-week Impactful Presenters Program TODAY!

And Get Over  $19,000 in VALUE!

  For Just 1 Payment of $495 Today
(and 2 additional payments of $495)    

Or SAVE $190 When You Pay In Full






FINALLY Speak With Clarity and
Nail Your Message

Look, let's face it ... there are HEAPS of ways to learn to speak with confidence.

You can join your local toastmasters group, you could sign up for a workshop and take a few days out of your work week to attend, or you could teach yourself by watching hours of TED talks.  

Yep, that could work.  

But will you really do that? 

The hassle of going somewhere, at a certain time (every week for Toastmasters); do you really have time for that?  And watching TED talks are fun but they're all so scripted, all so 'the same’, will you really develop the confidence to speak authentically in any context?  

Probably not.  

The Impactful Presenters Program is a 10 week sprint that will give you life skills well beyond just standing and presenting; you'll develop the hard-wiring to be confident in all contexts so you can speak up, be heard and lead change.

 The content is in bite-size chunks so you can watch or listen to as you go about your day (your commute, at the gym or in 15-minute grabs throughout the day).  

And with the lifetime access bonus you can revisit any of the modules after the 10-week program is officially done.  

Oh, and you'll have the benefit of community accountability and momentum from your cohort … so you'll make real progress in just 10 weeks (in the first 2 weeks to be honest!)


The program is structured into modules which are broken up into:

  • short how-to videos
  • optional homework and practice tasks which are designed to integrate into your professional life
  • weekly 1 hour live sessions; you can attend live or watch the replay

So in total, if you can invest 90 - 120 minutes, spread over the course of a week, you can easily get through the content and get HUGE value from this program. And radically improve your speaking abilities.

The bulk of the program is self-paced. Watch and listen when it works for you.

In addition to the program videos, there are a total of 8 x 1hr live sessions that are conducted on Fridays, online and during lunchtimes (AEST). You'll get date claimers in the first week of the program. And if you can't make a session live you won't be missing out; they're all recorded and available to watch at your convenience.

YES!!! There have been people who started this program unable to present for 2 minutes without losing their words, getting embarrassed or being virtually incoherent ... and after the first module they're speaking articulately and with increased confidence. Learning to speak is a journey ... and you'll improve dramatically over the 10-week duration of the program and then you'll continue to improve as you use your new-found confidence

Yes it's self-paced, no you won't access the program all at once.

New content is released weekly which you watch when you want. One live session is scheduled each week.

Once the content is released you literally have lifetime access to it. You'll get the most benefit from the live sessions if you're up to date with the videos; but if you're a bit behind on videos the live sessions will still make sense and will be beneficial. 

I intend to run it a couple of times a year but that's not guaranteed. I have a full-on full-time job and am a single-mum to teenage boys. Life is full and Impactful Presenters is my hobby.

If you're keen, join now.

Too easy - email me at cat.matson[@]impactfulpresenter.com.au (remove the [ ], they're just there to block the bots).

"I delivered A LOT LESS CONTENT but got BETTER results"

"I learned about speaking to the full stops! That slowed me down A LOT.

I also delivered a LOT LESS content in my last workshop, but I got a better result in terms of enrolments."

Angela Counsel,  Menopause Coach, AngelaCounsel.com

Ready to develop THE MOST valuable professional skill you can have in today's world of information and influence?

Join the 10-week Impactful Presenters Program TODAY!

And Get Over  $19,000 in VALUE!  

For Just 1 Payment of $495 Today
(and 2 additional payments of $495)    

Or SAVE $190 When You Pay In Full






It's never been more important for the world to hear from diverse voices.

Voices like yours.

If a lack of confidence, skill or 'how to' is what's holding you back, then I would LOVE to see you in this Masterclass.

Just think, in just 10 weeks you could be speaking with confidence, authority, authenticity and impact.

I can't wait to hear what you have to say!